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Finish up 2020 with Hope for 2021

Suzanne Smith Jablonski

Updated: Dec 8, 2020

2020 in Hindsight

It’s not quite over, but 2020 has had a lot of lessons for all of us. One of the biggest is that sometimes, the established, comforting, dependable things matter most.

Maybe you have found yourself baking bread for the first time. Maybe you’ve been doing jigsaw puzzles with your nearest and dearest. Or you’ve been out walking your dog more often and paying closer attention to the change of season.

Here at the Library, we’ve seen a renewed hunger for the written word, a yearning for community spaces, and an urge to share ideas. These are some of the essential building blocks of a thriving community. And these are the values at the heart of the Library’s mission to serve the public and provide equitable access to information.

You have had to find new ways to socialize, communicate, and work. TCPL has done the same.

Curbside and in-lobby pickup has put Library materials into patrons’ hands. Online programming and discussions on social media have kept the community engaged with the Library. Safe, socially-distant internet access has allowed people to find information, connect with loved ones, and improve their state of mind.

Innovation arises out of necessity.

Here at the Foundation, we’re astounded every day by the generosity of donors like you who want to see TCPL continue to thrive and evolve.

We’ve had to adjust our ways of doing things too. In April, with just a few weeks’ to spare, we shifted our annual READATHON fundraiser to an entirely online event. We learned, over the summer, how to work as a team in spite of not being able to meet in the office, in person. This fall, we dove into the world of live online interactive events, with our first ever Library Literati Online Trivia Night.

It is difficult indeed, not being able to gather with TCPL’s supporters. We miss you!

And we need you.

Your support enables TCPL to purchase relevant, up-to-date, and entertaining books, movies, and music. Your gift helps keep Library staff and the public as safe as possible, with plexiglass barriers, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wands, and other protective equipment. Your generosity keeps TCPL online and engaged with the community.

Your kindness inspires Library staff to innovate, dream, and create.

And in return, the Library inspires you.

By sharing materials that can help you start or expand your own business. By providing a platform where you can learn Adobe Illustrator, how to use LinkedIn to network, or the basics of Excel. By opening up discussion rooms online to share books, to rate and review movies, to improve your English language skills.

How do you want to begin 2021?

Another lesson we have learned this year is that there is strength in adhering to your most cherished ideals. There is power in speaking up for justice. There is value in supporting causes and institutions that share and act on our own deepest beliefs.

We hope you’ll work with TCPL to create a better 2021.

Please support TCPL today. You can give now by clicking here. We are truly grateful for your affirmation of equity, access to information, and community.


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